This Saturday My husband worked half a day and spent the rest doign school and my oldest son was gone to visit Aunt Mary! So I had some time to make a few more dresses! I am up to 7 now! Yay! I am over half way done I think!
These were also some old sweaters. I made leggings or baby legs to match each dress! |
and since I have lost 60 pounds since last winter I cant fit in to this blue long sleeve t-shirt anymore! So I made it into a t-shirt dress! So far I have made them 7 dresses (I will get a picture of the other one soon. Alexis wanted to wear it after it was made and then spilled chocolate on it so it is being washed!) So what was my total cost of their wardrobe so far?
$3.00 !!!! Yeah this is my kind of back to school shopping! The only thing I purchased was a bag full of sweaters from the thrift store which is always $3.00 for a Walmart sack full!