Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Politics!- I don't know where I stand!

As you know yesterday was election day! Yay we got to vote! I believe everyone should vote but I do wonder sometimes if my little vote really matters. I am far from political.  I wish I understood more about our country and our governments decisions. But how do you learn??? Everything I research is so biased!  I have the republicans saying that democrats are lazy, homosexual baby killers and then I have the democrats saying the republicans are  selfish, uneducated, hate mongering homophobes.  So where do you go from there!!! I don't even know who to vote for because of all of the negativity  and bashing from both sides.  

I woke up this morning to a Facebook news feed flooded with hatred! People talking about losing friends due to their comments. I find this to be horribly saddening  What kind of country do we live in?  What kind of people are we?  

Here are a few of the negative comments I saw today.

  • Sad day in America when for four years you can't get done what you say you will and then we reelect you
  • Wow....this is a really sad night for America...
  • I wonder how awkward it feels for Obama to realize half of our country did not vote for him?
  • Judging by the electoral vote map the Midwest has again shown to have common sense. Can't say so much for the east and west coast.
  • Don't worry guys the democrats put in their vote but most of the republicans are off work now so it will change soon.
and I think one of the most hurtful ones to me was this

I am just going to go back to helping those who want to be helped and make our own future, withOUT the help of the government.

This was hurtful to me because of my circumstances of life right now. As you have seen in earlier posts my family is on food stamps. My husband works 50 hours a week normally and 80-90 hours a week during harvest and we struggle to feed our family. I am building a business from home and working hard to get us into a better life where we font need assistance. but sometimes it is necessary and not because people are lazy.  I have heard numerous people say that we shouldn't go to the government for help we should go to the church(which in my opinion is the entire body of Christ not just one establishment) and well the church is failing and people are starving, and until you see your sweet children hungry you will never understand why people accept assistance.

 ...then i did see a few more positive posts like these

  • No matter who wins this election, we as Christians are to continue to pray for the leaders of our country, we are to continue to be salt and light, we are to continue to disciple believers, we are to continue to allow our beliefs to govern what we think, say and do and we are to continue to evangelize this world.....Time to read II Timothy 3:1-17 especially verses 14-17.....
    Bad mouthing our leaders is not a part of our DNA as believers - it's time believers need to start acting like we read our Bibles and understand the times we live in. --Doug Jones
  • I am so disappointed and my heart feels so heavy. :( Yet my God is so much bigger!
  • This is our President and as a country that believes "One Nation Under God" we must pray over him and not persecute him.
    Pray that he will make the best decisions for our country and not him alone government as a whole.

So regardless of how you voted and how the election turned out it is our responsibility as a country and as an American to show respect to our president and one another.  I am appalled at the stories I hear Republicans flipping off democrats, stealing bumper stickers, ect.  and I am appalled at the Democrats for stating that republicans are uneducated hate mongers.  But more than anything I am appalled at the people who claim to be followers of Jesus Christ yet look just like everyone else.  I believe that God had a hand in choosing our president and I believe no matter what he deserves our respect.  I also think that we need to step it up as Christians and show our respect for others.  I have friends of both parties and they know me as a conservative. but we agree to disagree.  We have freedom of speech but that doesn't make it ok to disrespect your fellow Americans or your president.

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