Thursday, September 3, 2015

Homeschooling, Cleaning and Nurturing, how I do it all: Part 1

So awhile back I blogged about an experience that made me feel judged.  It wasn't taken how I had hoped it would be so I decided to make a post about How I do everything from nurturing to homeschooling to keeping my house clean.

I started this thinking I could fit it in one post but I cant so I will do a series in the next few days. :)

How I Keep the House Clean( The Hardest Part)

First I keep a very strict schedule for my family. Here is a photo of our Daily Chore Chart.
Every kid has a chart that is divided into morning, afternoon and evening chores.  Each chart has 6 or 7 chores divided up between the three times.  They are also color coded  by time of day.  Each child also has a detailed list of their day for each day of the week.  It tells them everything from chores, to school and it even includes shower times.
On the far right side of our chart is a Room of the day chart.  It lists what room we will be cleaning that day with a list of what needs to be done in each room.  

Here is a list of what our chores are each day

  1. 2 loads of laundry. washed, dried, folded and put away
    I fold all of the laundry and put mine, Jericho's and David's away, the kids put their own away.
  2. Wash dishes after every meal
    I wash evening dishes and I put all of the dishes away but the girls do all of the washing for lunch and breakfast.  
  3. Clean rooms every morning before breakfast
    This includes making beds and bringing dirty laundry down stairs they do not have toys in their rooms.
  4. Take out the trash
    This is Little Davids job everyday
  5. Vacuum after lunch and dinner
    David and Evanny take turns doing this job
  6. Quickly pick up all toys and school supplies once school is done.
    Everyone does this including Jericho and I.
  7. Wash table after every meal
    This job rotates between Malachi and Alexis
  8. Feed and water the cat
    This is Malachi's Chore
  9. Sweep kitchen after dinner
    Malachi helps me do this every evening unless I am gone then he helps his dad sweep.
  10. Room of the Day
    We all do this job together
We also do evening chores which includes a lot of things from the list above as well as a quick pick up of toys and making sure everything is in there place. 

It probably seems overwhelming reading all of this in a list but it really isn't, well not all of the time!  Sometimes I am overwhelmed but who isn't?  I feel more at peace with a schedule. We probably spend 1 1/2 hours cleaning broken up throughout the day

The biggest thing that helps is that our family is a team. I am not everyone's maid.  

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