Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ugly shirt re-purposed to cute dress!

So I have been working on dresses for one of my friend little girls and My two girls were getting a little jealous. So I spent the day making them dresses. I also have a stack of pillow cases that I have cut and are ready for finishing touches. I hoping that by tomorrow morning they will have 4 or 5 new pillow case dresses for this blazing hot summer.  I have had these ugly shirts for quite some time but haven't done anything with them so here it is!!

Ok here is the ugly shirt!
 I actually had two of these in different colors
 (sorry if you own this shirt it just isn't my style.) and below are the cute re purposed  dresses

And a Pillow Case nightgown. Which I believe is absolutely adorable!!! OF course the cute blonde wearing it adds to the night gown. It was super easy and I got the lace off of of one of the shirts i shrank out of!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Re-purpose fruit bags into scrub cloths!!

One of my all time favorite blogs Frugally Sustainable had this really great post the other day. She was talking about re-purposing old fruit bags into scrub cloths so i decided to give it a try and here is what I came up with. And it only took me a few minutes to make.
Here is my bag

Make sure all of the tags and plastic are cut off of it. Then tie a not in one end.

Sorry for the blurry picture. Next you turn the not inside and kinda make the top poofy. If that makes sense. Then give  the untied side a twist and repeat. So you just keep re folding it until you have just enough left to make a knot.

Add your finished not and then I just wraped the loose end around the ball again, but i guess you could just cut it off.

Note: I used this for dishes today and it was fabulous!! The only thing  was that it occasionally came unwrapped on me so I just kept shoving it back together. I think you could tye it each wrap instead of twisting and it would hold together better. Let me know if you try this. I would love to see what you come up with. 

Fun with Baking Soda and vinegar

Ok! I found another great idea on Pinterest! and it was a huge hit with my kiddos!  I did it a little different because my kids fight ALOT!  So I gave them each their own small plate of baking soda and I put food coloring in vinegar in ice cube trays and I cut a straw into thirds to use as droppers. 
Here they are patiently waiting for me to finish the picture so that I can give them instructions. 

Here we go drip vinegar into the baking soda! 

David thought this was great!

The girls had trouble usign the straw as a dropper so I gave them baby spoons

Evanny thought hers was soo beautiful.

After they were done they stirred it up and this si what was left. Gross!!

Then we decided to see if we could blow up a balloon with baking soda and vinegar. Guess what it worked!!! We put vinegar in the bottle and baking soda in the balloon then we put the balloon over the top of the bottle and dumped the baking soda into the bottle and the chemical reaction aired up our balloon!