Friday, July 12, 2013

The hardest things in life

Teach us the most.

In my last post way to long ago I announced we were pregnant with baby number 5.  A few months later I experienced my very first miscarriage an my sweet baby went to be with Jesus.  I was so mad at God for putting me through this. I trusted him with my fertility and I felt betrayed.  I learned though that trusting God doesn't always mean getting what we want or necessarily mean a happy ending. I learned that just because I am pregnant doesn't mean I will get to hold a baby.  I learned many other things and I just want to share some of what God taught me through this horrible trial.

I have an absolutely amazing husband that cares deeply for me. I have always known I was blessed to have him but I needed a reminder of how great he really is.

One thing I learned is I have really great friends! People to hold me up and encourage me and to remind me daily that God is in charge.  Some of them I have never even met in person but they still love and care about me.

I have great kids and I need to let some things go and spend more time with them because I never know when the chance to be with them could be gone.

Here is a few pictures I took when I was struggling.  It was the simple things that kept me going. Here is a few pictures I took of  "weeds" that were growing in my yard as well as my chives, and a beautiful hanging basket that my Mother In law gave me after I lost the baby.