Friday, April 27, 2012

Hot Car Crayons

A few years ago someone gave us a whole bunch of crayons.  I decided we would would repurpose them into new cool crayons.  Well two years later they were still sitting in the same bag and had been through 4 moves.  So I finally decided it was time to make them.
So we peeled the crayons
and  peeled the crayons
and peeled the crayons!

Then we brok them into small pieces and started sorting by color.  Then we decided sortign was to much work so we just threw them on a cookie sheet.

Don't they look pretty!

Malachi ate a snack and watched us work. 

WE put them in molds. This was a silicone ice cube tray

Then we put them on the cookie sheet and put them in the hot van for a few hours.

A few hours later they where all melted and I took them and put them in the freezer so they would cool quickly! Be sure to use an oven mitt when you get them out of the car. They will be very very hot!

Melted in a muffin tin

After they cooled we had some really cool crayons. 

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