Thursday, April 12, 2012

Yes, They are all Mine!

I was just thinking about when I go to the grocery store with all of my kiddos. Ages 6, 4, 2, and 10 months.  and I wanted to share my experience and thoughts.

It seems that our society is so negative about large families, and why is this?  The bible says that children are a blessing from the Lord.

Here is a list of  common questions I get asked when I am at the grocery store.

  1. Are they ALL yours??
  2. Oh, any twins?
  3. Is this a daycare?
  4. Wow! your hands are full?
  5. Well you know what causes that right?

And some answers, That I wish I was gutsy enough to say.

  1. No I enjoy picking up other peoples kids to go grocery shopping!
  2. Nope, I've just been pregnant alot! LOL
  3. A daycare really?! What daycare takes kids grocery shopping?
  4. Yes my hand are full and I think that full is much better than being empty
  5. Of course I know what causes it!! and It is fun or I wouldn't have these 4 beautiful babies.

I am so blessed by my four kids and yes we plan to have more.  No we don't have a number as to how many. We strongly believe that children are God's Blessing and we like receiving God's blessings.  So next time you see a large family don't question them just let them know you think it is awesome that they have so many Blessings running around!

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